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City of Franklin Wisconsin
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Probationary Firefighter/EMT Job Opening

Human Resources
9229 W. Loomis Road
Franklin, WI  53132

Phone:  414-427-7505
Fax:  414-425-6428

Hours:  M-F, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Dana Zahn, Human Resources Manager

The City of Franklin is accepting applications for the position of Probationary Firefighter/EMT. Please carefully read thru all application instructions below:

Purpose of the Position:

The purpose of the Probationary Firefighter/EMT position is to function as a recruitment tool and career development pathway that would allow an employee to begin employment as an EMT and complete paramedic education while employed in a full-time capacity by the Franklin Fire Department.  Employees cannot remain as an EMT.  They MUST be enrolled in a Paramedic program. 



18 years of age or older; Firefighter I certification; WI EMT license; valid driver’s license; excellent health and physical condition; and MUST be actively enrolled in an accredited Paramedic training program, with an expected completion date of less than 1 year from date of hire.  Must have a valid CPAT at time of appointment.  Must obtain the WI Firefighter II certification within 18 months of date of hire. 


Salary (Base Pay Annually):

$64,151 starting rate, $66,335 after 6 months, and $77,255 after 1 year. (Top Paramedic pay is currently $97,995 annually).


Job Description: View job description.


Hiring Process: View the Police & Fire Commission’s 2024 Probationary Firefighter/EMT Hiring Process.


Application Instructions:

  • Complete the City of Franklin applicationPlease print out the PDF version of the application and complete the form.  DO NOT submit the application electronically.  (Please note that the email address is mandatory for this position or you will not receive potential interview instructions.)
  • Make sure all of your firefighter and EMT experience is reflected in the Work History, Additional Experience, or the Qualifications sections of the application form or on a separate resume.
  • Submit the following items in your application packet:
  1. Completed application - again, please print out the PDF version, do not submit the application electronically.
  2. Answer on a separate piece of paper the question "Why do you want to be a City of Franklin Firefighter/EMT".  Be specific in your answer.
  3. A resume of no more than 2 pages is required.
  4. Firefighter I certification.
  5. WI EMT license.
  6. CPAT certificate, if you have completed the testing and your certificate is not expired.

DO NOT include other items, such as reference letters, additional training documentation, etc., in your application packet.


This is an open application process with no deadline, however you must apply by March 22, 2024 in order to be included in the April interviews. 


Application packets may be submitted in the following ways:

  1. All materials may be scanned in as ONE PDF or Word document and emailed to Dana Zahn.
  2. Packets may be mailed to the City of Franklin, ATTN: Human Resources, 9229 W. Loomis Road, Franklin, WI 53132.
  3. Dropped off at City Hall (same address as above) in an envelope to the attention of Human Resources.  There is a drop box in the blue wall located outside the main entrance for those wanting to drop off applications.  DO NOT SEND APPLICATION PACKETS TO THE FIRE DEPARTMENT.

The completed applications will be reviewed to ensure applicants do meet the required criteria and that the application has been completed properly.  Failure to completely fill out the application and/or submit the proper documents may be cause for disqualification.


If you have any questions, please call Human Resources Manager Dana Zahn at 414-427-7505, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

The City of Franklin is an Equal Opportunity Employer.