The City of Franklin utilizes the Milwaukee Area Domestic Animal Control Commission (MADACC) for animal control services.
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SPRING ELECTION - APRIL 1, 2025. Click here for all Election related information including absentee voting, voter registration, polling locations, and more.
Sign up NOW! The Franklin Notification System is primarily a second layer of emergency notification in the event of a Tornado Warning. This system allows residents to register phone numbers and email addresses to receive voice calls, text messages, or emails in the event of a Tornado Warning impacting Franklin.
The Solid Waste Department provides weekly refuse, bi-weekly recycling, and 3 times a year leaves and brush collection to all single-family, two-family, and condominium ownership multi-family units.
The purpose of this interactive mapping website (the "GIS Property Viewer") is to allow users to access geographic information as it relates to the City of Franklin, Wisconsin.
Parking regulations related to all night parking and parking during snow emergencies.
Information on the different permits and licenses required through the City of Franklin Clerk's Office.
Property assessment and tax information.
Form for requesting Property Status Certificates, Special Assessment Letters, and Summary of Use Fee requests.
The Franklin City Hall Community Room (9229 W. Loomis Road) hosts Senior Dining to adults 60 and older brought to you through the diligent work of the Franklin Senior Citizens and the Milwaukee County Department on Aging.
Water and Sewer Bills are rendered quarterly and become due and payable upon issuance following the period for which service is rendered. A late payment charge of 1 percent per month will be added to bills not paid within 20 days of issuance.