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City of Franklin Wisconsin
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Sprinkling Suggestions & Tips

  • Monitor your water usage by reading the meter before and after sprinkling.  The most common cause of high usage in summer months is a result of sprinkling lawns and gardens.  Many customers double their water bills during the summer months due to sprinkling.
  • During periods of heat and drought, lawns dry out.  During extended periods, lawns will go dormant (natural protection).  Sprinkling tends to fool the lawn into a temporary recovery and a commitment of daily sprinkling will become necessary.  Although the water is typically available, it might be advisable to let your lawn naturally protect itself.  The Franklin Water Utility encourages water conservation during dry periods throughout the year.
  • If watering is a must, morning is the best time to water lawns.  If your lawn is established, it will need about one inch of water per week. Give the lawn a good soak rather than light waterings.
  • Cut back on watering when the weather is cool and moist. Do not water on windy days.  Remove weeds as they are water thieves.
  • Leaks in hoses, sprinkler fittings, faucets, and couplings are costly.  Use a kitchen timer as a reminder to turn off the sprinkler, and remember to tightly turn off the hose faucet after each use.

Customer Service

Billing Information:
(M-F, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.)
Service Information:
(M-F, 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.)

Service/Emergency After Hours:
414-425-2522 (Police Dept.)

Franklin Water Tower

If moving, please notify the
Utility Office at 414-425-7510 to have your bill forwarded or to
identify a new customer.


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Board of Water Commissioners