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City of Franklin Wisconsin
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Environmental Commission

The Environmental Commission consists of 7 members, 1 Alderman and 6 citizens, all appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the Common Council.  The term of the Alderman member is 1 year, only while in the office of Alderman, and expiring upon the April 30 following the appointment.  The citizen members are appointed for 3-year terms, expiring upon the April 30 of the third year following the appointment; excepting that the initial appointments provide for 2 members to serve a 1-year term and 2 members to serve a 2-year term, expiring upon the April 30 of the first year and second year following such appointments, respectively.

Powers and Duties:

The Environmental Commission:

  • Reviews and recommends policies and procedures regarding City efforts to perform recycling and composting in the City as may be required from time to time due to changes in State laws, regulations, or funding.

  • Makes recommendations regarding environmental issues of concern to the City.

  • Monitors federal and state laws and policies regarding environmental issues as they relate to the City.

  • Promotes interest in obtaining grants to assist the City in environmental matters.

  • Promotes citizen participation in events concerning environmental issues.

  • In addition to the specified powers and duties above, the Commission reviews and recommends upon such matters as are directed to it by the Common Council. 




Alderman Jason Craig 3 Years/4-20-26
Amy Serafin, Vice Chair 3 Years/4-30-26
Vacancy 3 Years/4-30-26
Vacancy 3 Years/4-30-25
Jesse Valdez, Chair 3 Years/4-30-25
Vacancy 3 Years/4-30-27
Sudarshan Sharma, Secretary 3 Years/4-30-27
Staff Support: Marion Ecks, Principal Planner  


Information and Resources:

RSC - A Better Way (Jan. 2021)

Salt Your Margaritas - Not Our Freshwater (Jan. 2021)

Falling Leaves and Our Watersheds

Franklin's Natural Resources:  Rain Barrels, Rain Gardens, Storm Water Runoff

Buckthorn - Invasive Plants that are Major Threats to Midwestern Woodlands


Meeting Date:
4th Wednesday of Month

Meeting Time: 7 p.m.

Meeting Location:
Lower Level Conference Room
Franklin City Hall
9229 W. Loomis Road
Please direct agenda questions to:
Planning Department


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2025 Agendas / Minutes / Audios

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Archived Agendas/Minutes (10 Yrs) / Audios (since 8/2021)