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Technology Commission

The Technology Commission is comprised of 11 members appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the Common Council.  One (1) member is an Alderman who serves during his/her term of elected office and the term expires, without regard to the qualification of any successor, upon the expiration of the respective term of elected office during which the Alderman was appointed, or earlier upon the vacancy of such office.  The initial terms of the remaining 10 members are as follows:  4 members shall serve for 3 years, 3 members for 2 years, and 3 members for 1 year, from May 1, in the year of their appointment.  Thereafter, each regular appointment is for a term of 3 years.  The Director of Administration and the City Attorney provide staff assistance to the Commission upon the Commission's request or the request of its Chairman.  Four (4 members present constitutes a quorum of the Commission (Ord. 2019-2356 adopted March 5, 2019).

Powers and Duties: 

The Technology Commission promotes the City's technical and information infrastructure by evaluating, monitoring, and recommending to the Common Council upon the use of technologies by City employees and those regulated by the City for its residents.  Specific responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

  • Web Site and Internet. The Technology Commission recommends upon the coordination, design, and content of the City's web site, and is the initial agency point of contact for the staff, community volunteers, and outside vendors or contractors that assist City staff in the maintenance, design, and support of the City's Internet Home Page(s).

    The Technology Commission recommends upon coordinating the design, content, approval, and posting of new pages; providing overall guidance in establishing and maintaining Web pages; administering contracts for Web-related programs, programming and services; and the Commission acts as a clearing house for concerns and suggestions related to the City's presence on the Internet, including maintaining contacts with the community and replying to questions regarding the City's home pages.

    The Technology Commission recommends upon the overall coordination of Internet services and operations and issues of system reliability and stability; including the continued development and maintenance of the City's Internet presence, hardware, data communications needs and vendor contacts necessary for the City's Web site(s).

  • Technology Policy. The Technology Commission recommends upon a policy to protect the City's technical and information infrastructure by governing the use of technologies provided by the City to its employees and users, and the resulting access to electronic mail, Internet and online services and to protect the City and its employees from any abuse of the technologies provided by the City, either from employees or third parties, and to provide a means for sanctioning the improper use or abuse of those technologies.  The use of City-provided technologies is no different from the use of any other City-provided item in the workplace. When using technologies, as with any item in the workplace, employees' actions must comply with applicable statutes, orders, codes, and other applicable rules and regulations.

  • Infrastructure. The Technology Commission recommends upon the implementation of policies for City-maintained computerized systems; security, use, privileges, and installation of associated software to ensure compatibility with Internet standards.

  • GIS. The Technology Commission recommends upon the need for, vendor of, and software to use for geographical information systems (GIS) and other associated systems to ensure compatibility with its web site and systems.

  • E-Commerce Implementation. The Technology Commission assists the Common Council to develop, oversee, and implement policy, evaluate the City's presence on the Internet and define access to the Internet by City staff. The Commission is available to advise City departments and collectively further the City's presence on the Internet. It provides input and advice on the overall direction, goals, and investment in Internet development; assisting in the development of a City-wide training program for Internet use; and assisting in the development of City-wide policies and procedures to integrate City business practices with the Internet.

  • Electronic Records. The Technology Commission assists the City Clerk in developing a policy for open records, the collection, distribution, and release of information to the public via the web site and other electronic means and the retention of such information on appropriate storage media.

  • Cable Television. The Technology Commission reviews and recommends upon applications for licenses and City contracts by Cable Television and high-speed data cable providers, telephone vendors, and other technology providers. The Technology Commission reviews and recommends upon matters of compliance by a cable television franchisee with all ordinances and contractual obligations; the general use and programming of community access cable television; the adequacy, use, disposal, and purchase of all cable television equipment; assisting potential and actual users with special guidelines; any cable television issues as directed by the multi-jurisdictional government body addressing cable television issues as directed by the Common Council; proper permanent and temporal control of cable television equipment; and generally the development, planning and operation of a community access cable television system within the City. 




Alderman Jon Peccarelli 3 Years/4-14-25
Scott Meade 3 Years/4-30-26
Greg Strowig, Chair 3 Years/4-30-25
Dale Webler 3 Years/4-30-25
Laura Galusha 3 Years/4-30-27
James Rehberger, Vice Chair 3 Years/4-30-26
James McWilliams 3 Years/4-30-25
Rajiv Surana 3 Years/4-30-26
John Farney 3 Years/4-30-27
Jaspreet Kaur 3 Years/4-30-27
Andy Pelkey 3 Years/4-30-27
Staff Support: Kelly Hersh, Dir. of Administration  
Staff Support: Jim Matelski, Dir. of Information Technology  


Meeting Date:
4th Wednesday of Month

Meeting Time: 6 p.m.

Meeting Location:
Hearing Room
Franklin City Hall
9229 W. Loomis Road

Please direct agenda questions to:
Jim Matelski,
Dir. of Information Technology


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