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This application is available for your convenience, however, please note that a pre-application meeting with the Planning Department and Engineering Department may be required. Please contact the Engineering Department at 414-425-7510 with any questions. This application is available only in Adobe Acrobat form (pdf). The application is formfillable, if you do not have Adobe on your system, you must download this product before you will be able to open up any of the applications.

The Fill/Soils Disturbing Permit Application is for land disturbing construction activity and is processed through the Engineering Department.

As an owner of an automatic fire sprinkler fire control and/or fire suppression system, City of Franklin Municipal Code 133-6.L.(7) requires residents to report an estimate of un-metered water used to test your system. Please print, fill out, and submit this form to the City of Franklin within 1 week after the testing date.

This permit is processed through the Franklin Engineering Department. See Franklin Municipal Code 222-4 for more information on constructing, maintaining, or repairing infrastructure within public right-of-way.