Wisconsin State Statute requires local health departments to provide the following services:
- Surveillance, investigation, control, and prevention of communicable diseases
- Other disease prevention
- Health promotion
- Public health nursing
- Human health hazard control within the City of Franklin boundaries
Per Wisconsin Statute Chapter 252.03 (1), Local Health Departments shall promptly take all measures necessary to prevent, suppress, and control communicable diseases
Required Reporting
Most health care professionals, particularly those licensed through the Wisconsin State statutes under Chapters 441 or 448 are required to report confirmed or suspected cases of communicable diseases to their local health department per Wisconsin Aministrative Cde HS 145.04.
Additionally, Wisconsin State Satute 252.05 states that any person licensed, permitted, registered, or certified under Capter 441 or 448 knowing or having reason to know that a person treated or visited by him or her has a communicable disease, or having a communicable disease has died, shall report the appearance of the disease or death to the local health officer or health department. Persons required to report include:
A person in charge of infection control at a health care institution
School nurses, school principals, and day care center directors
Laboratory directors
Mental Health Support:
- COPE Services Hotline: 262-377-2673
- IMPACT 2-1-1: Dial 2 1 1
- Crisis Text Line: Text MHA to 741 741 to be connected to a trained Crisis Counselor
- SAMHSA Disaster Helpline:
- Text "TalkWithUs" to 66746
- Distress Line: 1-800-985-5990
Franklin Health Dept.
9229 W. Loomis Road
M-F, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Related Links
Board of Health
Volition Franklin