The Franklin Police Department Auxiliary Unit members are private citizens who volunteer their own time to the Police Department in service to the Franklin community. The purpose of the Franklin Police Auxiliary Services Unit is to augment the Franklin Police Department in cases of emergency and on other occasions, subject to the call for assistance by the Chief of Police or his designee(s), to preserve the peace and order, to protect life and property, and to prevent crime. In order to qualify for the purposes as described, members of the unit undertake and participate in such training as deemed necessary by the Chief of Police or his designee(s) to be considered competent to carry out the duties that are or may be assigned.
Monthly meetings are essential planning tools to help allocate personnel to meet the community’s needs as well as a formal platform from which monthly training can be given to the unit’s members. The members receive training which enables them to assist sworn officers with a variety of assignments.
The requirements to become a Franklin Auxiliary Police Officer without regard to race, sex, creed or national origin are:
- Be at least 18 years of age
- Be a US citizen
- Be of good moral character
- Have no criminal record, in this state or any state
- Be mentally and physically capable of performing assigned tasks
- Successfully complete a background investigation and an interview process
- Be subject to approval by the Chief of Police
Each auxiliary police officer is required to donate a minimum of 50 hours of service per calendar year. All members of the unit are required to attend a minimum of six monthly meetings during the year. All hours spent in training and in monthly meetings will count toward the minimum expectation. As part of the minimum, 4 hours must be worked during the July 4th celebration and 4 hours during the Labor Day weekend fair in St. Martins. Another 8 hours must be served during similar civic and/or community functions as called upon by the department.