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Board of Zoning & Building Appeals

The Board of Zoning and Building Appeals consists of 5 members appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the Common Council for 3-year terms, provided no more than 2 members shall be appointed in 1 year, except when necessary to maintain the membership or to fill a vacancy.  Two (2) alternate members are appointed by the Mayor for a term of 3 years and act only when a regular member is absent or refuse to vote because of conflict of interest.

Powers and Duties:  

  • Hear and decide appeals where it is alleged there is error in any order, requirement, decision, or determination made by the Zoning Administrator or the Building Inspector; and also where it is alleged there is an error in any order, requirement, decision or determination made by the Fire Official, to hear and decide an appeal of such error pursuant to and upon the standards set forth in Sections 26.10 and 26.11 of the City of Franklin Municipal Code.

  • Hear and grant applications for variances.

  • Hear and decide applications for interpretation of the zoning regulations, and disputes relative to the boundaries of the zoning districts after the City Plan Commission has made a review and recommendation.

  • Hear and grant applications for substitution of more restrictive nonconforming uses for existing nonconforming uses provided no structural alterations are to be made and the City Plan Commission has made a review and recommendation.

  • Hear and grant applications for unclassified and unspecified uses provided that such uses are similar in character to the principal uses permitted in the district and the City Plan Commission has made a review and recommendation.

  • Hear and grant applications for temporary uses in any district provided that such uses are of a temporary nature, do not involve the erection of a substantial structure, and are compatible with the neighboring uses, and the City Plan Commission has made a review and recommendation.

  • May reverse, affirm wholly or partly, modify the requirements appealed from, and may issue or direct the issue of a permit. 




Ken Humont 3 Years/4-30-25
Bob Knackert 3 Years/4-30-27
Patrick Leon 3 Years/4-30-25
Ryan Ross 3 Years/4-30-26
Steve Rekowski 3 Years/4-30-26
Don Adams, Alternate Member 3 Years/4-30-27
Patrick Hammer, Alternate Member 3 Years/4-30-25
Staff Support: Luke Hamill, Associate Planner  


Meeting Date: 3rd Wednesday of Month

Meeting Time: 6:30 p.m.

Meeting Location:
Lower Level Conference Room
Franklin City Hall
9229 W. Loomis Road

Please direct agenda questions to:
Planning Department


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Archived Agendas & Minutes (10 Yrs)