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Notice of Budget Amendments

At their meeting of May 4, 2021, the Common Council adopted Ordinance No. 2021-2465, An Ordinance to Amend Chapter 13-4 of the Municipal Code to Provide for Publication of Budget Amendments on the City Website in Conformance with State Statute § 65.90(5).  Below are publication of approved budget amendments after May 4, 2021.

Ord. No. 2025-2664 for the General Fund, Capital Outlay Fund, and Capital Improvement Fund for Fiscal Year 2025 to Approve Budget Encumbrances from the 2024 Budget as Amendments to the 2025 Budget (3/4/2025)

Ord. No. 2025-2656 for the Capital Outlay Fund to provide $10,000 of WI Urban Forestry Grant Program resources and all remaining unused 2024 appropriations to be carried forward to the 2025 Budget for final purchasing and installation of City trees (1/7/2025)

Ord. No. 2025-2655 for the Capital Outlay Fund to provide $20,000 of trees and landscaping appropriations for the purchasing and installation of City trees (1/7/2025)

Ord. No. 2025-2654 for the General Fund to transfer $81,000 of Contingency appropriations to City-wide Software Maintenance for the required Rapid 7 Renewal (1/7/2025)

Ord. No. 2025-2653 for the Capital Improvement Fund and American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Fund to provide $718,000 of DPW Campus utilities appropriations and resources to support the project costs funded through the American Rescue Plan Act (1/7/2025)

Ord. No. 2024-2646 for the Capital Outlay Fund to transfer $6,262 of Contingency appropriations to Capital Equipment appropriations for the purchase of a replacement survey controller (11/6/2024)

Ord. No. 2024-2645 for the Capital Improvement Fund to transfer $150,000 of Contingency appropriations to Highway Capital Equipment appropriations for the increasing project costs associated with the DPW Building Expansion Project (11/6/2024)

Ord. No. 2024-2644 for the General Fund to re-appropriate funds from IT Data Processing Services to other IT Non-Personnel Services (10/15/2024)

Ord. No. 2024-2641 for the General Fund to provide additional $22,500 appropriations for the Elections Department (10/1/2024)

Ord. No. 2024-2639 for the General Fund to provide additional $340,000 appropriations for Assessor Contractual Services (10/1/2024)

Ord. No. 2024-2638 for the Capital Improvement Fund to provide additional $8,000 appropriations and resources for the School Traffic Signal Project (10/1/2024)

Ord. No. 2024-2637 for the Street Improvement Fund and Capital Outlay Fund to re-appropriate $61,000 of street improvement appropriations for the purchase of a shouldering machine (10/1/2024)

Ord. No. 2024-2636 for the General Fund to transfer $10,000 of Contingency appropriations to Finance Auditing appropriations for additional financial services (9/3/2024)

Ord. No. 2024-2635 for the General Fund to transfer $100,000 of Engineering Personnel Costs to Non-Personnel Costs (9/3/2024)

Ord. No. 2024-2634 for the Capital Improvement Fund to provide additional $2,129,586 appropriations and $2,129,586 resources for the Johnson Controls Energy Efficiency Project (9/3/2024)

Ord. No. 2024-2627 for the Capital Outlay Fund and Capital Improvement Fund to transfer and repurpose unused appropriations for the Johnson Controls Comprehensive Efficiency Program Project (7/16/2024)

Ord. No. 2024-2626 for the General Fund to transfer $5,933 of Contingency appropriations to Fire Department Building Maintenance Systems appropriations for unplanned facility repairs at Fire Station 1 and 3 (7/2/2024)

Ord. No. 2024-2623 for the Capital Improvement Fund to provide $181,551 of Capital Improvement appropriations and the Development Fund to provide $112,562 of additional Park Impact Fee expenditure appropriations for the WISDOT project of a Pathway on W. Loomis Road (STH 36) from W. St. Martins Road (STH 100) to W. Rawson Avenue (CTH BB) (6/18/2024)

Ord. No. 2024-2621 for the Capital Outlay Fund to provide carrry forward appropriations from the 2023 Annual Budget for Ken Windl Park Pavilion repairs in the amount of $65,000 (5/21/2024)

Ord. No. 2024-2620 for the Health Grants Fund and Donations Fund to provide additional resources and appropriations for various Health Grants and Donations (5/21/2024)

Ord. No. 2024-2618 for the Capital Outlay Fund to provide $30,000 of trees and landscaping resources and appropriations for the purchasing and installation of developer trees (5/21/2024)

Ord. No. 2024-2617 for the Street Improvement Fund and Capital Improvement Fund to re-appropriate $147,800 of Street Improvement appropriations from the Street Improvement Fund to the Capital Improvement Fund (5/21/2024)

Ord. No. 2024-2616 for the Capital Improvement Fund to provide additional $161,113 appropriations and $254,613 resources for the School Traffic Signal Project (5/21/2024)

Ord. No. 2024-2615 for the Capital Improvement Fund to provide $37,710 of Park Improvement appropriations for the electric service upgrades at Lions Legend Park (5/7/2024)

Ord. No. 2024-2613 for the Capital Outlay Fund, Capital Improvement Fund, and Street Improvement Fund to provide carryforward appropriations from the 2023 Annual Budget for specifically identified projects and uses in the amount of $4,222,814.20 (4/16/2024)

Ord. No. 2024-2611 for the Donations Fund to provide $1,338.77 of Furniture/Fixture appropriations for the donation and installation of the Community Bench at the Senior Center (4/3/2024)

Ord. No. 2024-2610 for the ARPA Fund to re-appropriate the transfer of $85,000 from the Capital Improvement Fund to Sanitary Sewer Fund and provide $85,000 appropriations in the Sanitary Sewer Fund to support the design of the DPW campus utilities (4/3/2024)

Ord. No. 2024-2608 for the TID #4 Fund to provide additional $2,056,807 appropriations for the final distribution of remaining funds to all applicable taxing jurisdictions (4/3/2024)

Ord. No. 2024-2607 for the Sanitary Sewer Fund to provide additional $915,839 appropriations for the construction of the 2024 Sump Pump Project fully funded by the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District (4/3/2024)

Ord. No. 2024-2606 for the ARPA Fund to re-appropriate the transfer of $18,100 from the Capital Improvement Fund to the Water Utility Fund (4/3/2024)

Ord. No. 2024-2603 for the Capital Outlay Fund to carryforward $234,700 of unused 2023 Fire Department Building Improvements appropriations for the exhaust source capture replacement at all three Fire Stations (4/3/2024)

Ord. No. 2024-2600 for the Capital Improvement Fund to provide additional $12,180 appropriations for the exterior painting of the Franklin Historical Society's Chapel Project (3/5/2024)

Ord. No. 2024-2599 for the General Fund, Health Grant Fund, Development Fund, Capital Outlay Fund, Equipment Replacement Fund, Capital Improvement Fund, Street Improvement Fund, TID 6 Fund, TID 8 Fund, and the Sanitary Sewer Fund for Fiscal Year 2024 to approve budget encumbrances from the 2023 Budget as amendments to the 2024 Budget (3/5/2024)

Ord. No. 2024-2597 for the General Fund to carryforward $10,820 of unused 2020 appropriations for the Senior Citizen Travel account (2/21/2024)

Ord. No. 2024-2596 for the Capital Outlay Fund to carryforward $48,365.79 of unused 2023 Planning Department software appropriations and provide additional appropriations associated with the Houseal Lavigne Associates, LLC contract in the amount of $64,875 (2/21/2024)

Ord. No. 2024-2595 for the Health Grant Fund to provide additional $9,800 of resources and appropriations for the new Alliance WI Youth State Opioid Response Prevention Grant (SOR3) (2/21/2024)

Ord. No. 2024-2594 for the Health Grants Fund to provide additional resources and appropriations for various health grants (2/21/2024)

Ord. No. 2024-2593 for the General Fund to transfer $6,005 of merit pool costs to Engineering Personnel Costs (2/21/2024) 

Ord. No. 2024-2589 for the General Fund, Capital Outlay Fund, and TID 8 Capital Projects Fund to provide carryforward appropriations from the 2023 Annual Budget for specifically identified projects and uses in the amount of $1,286,407 (2/21/2024)

Ord. No. 2024-2588 for the Development/Impact Fee Fund to provide additional appropriations in the amount of $128,768 to refund Impact Fees to Developer (2/21/2024)

Ord. No. 2024-2587 for the General Fund to transfer $12,066 of Contingency appropriations to Assessor Subscription appropriations and for the Capital Outlay Fund to provide additional $62,299 appropriations for a one-time Assessor Software Service Fee (2/21/2024)

Ord. No. 2024-2586 for the ARPA Fund to transfer an additional $7,000 to the Capital Outlay Fund for the purchase of cabling for the Fire Department (2/21/2024)

Ord. No. 2024-2584 for the Capital Outlay Fund to provide additional resources and appropriations in the amount not to exceed $50,000 for the purchasing and planting of trees (2/6/2024)

Ord. No. 2024-2583 for the General Fund to carryforward $1,100 of unused 2023 GIS Support Services appropriations (2/6/2024)

Ord. No. 2024-2582 for the Development-Impact Fee Fund to provide additional $505,422.24 appropriations for the transfer of Park Impact Fees to support Capital Projects (1/16/2024)

Ord. No. 2024-2579 for the Capital Improvement Fund to provide additional $43,500 appropriations for the School Traffic Light Project (1/3/2024)

Ord. No. 2024-2578 for the General Fund to move $11,578.38 of Unrestricted Contingency appropriations to Fire Department Auto Maintenance appropriations (1/3/2024)

Ord. No. 2024-2577 for the Capital Outlay Fund to carryforward $234,700 of unused 2023 Fire Department Building Improvement appropriations (1/3/2024)

Ord. No. 2023-2575 for the Sewer Fund to provide additional auto equipment appropriations associated with the purchase of a utility vehicle in the amount of $59,784.50 (12/19/2023)

Ord. No. 2023-2574 for the General Fund and Capital Outlay Fund to provide carry forward appropriations from 2022 for specifically identified projects in the amount of $323,187 (12/19/2023)

Ord. No. 2023-2570 for the Equipment Replacement Fund to provide carryforward appropriations to restore $723,567.99 to the GL Account 42-0221-5811 for the purchase of Fire Apparatus (12/5/2023) 

Ord. No. 2023-2568 for the General Fund to move $18,100 of severance payments appropriations to Maintenance Building Personnel Services Appropriations (11/21/2023) 

Ord. No. 2023-2567 for the TID 8 Capital Projects Fund to provide $20,000 appropriations for Development Services (11/21/2023) 

Ord. No. 2023-2564 for the Fire Department Grant Fund to provide for $11,916 of grant resources and up to $11,916 of grant appropriations for the Wisconsin Department of Health Leave Behind Kits Project (10/17/2023) 

Ord. No. 2023-2563 to provide carryforward appropriations from 2022 to 2023 of unused funds for Police Department computer equipment in the amount of $25,000 (10/17/2023)

Ord. No. 2023-2562 to transfer and repurpose unused appropriations in Street Improvement Outlay, Recreation/Bike Trail Outlay and Parking Lot Pavement Resurface Outlay to the Parks Capital Improvement Fund for pickleball court repair appropriations (10/17/2023)

Ord. No. 2023-2560 to provide additional $5,025 appropriations for unanticipated Labor Legal Fees (10/17/2023)

Ord. No. 2023-2559 for the Police Department Grant Fund to provide carryforward resources and appropriations from 2022 to 2023 for a Police Department Milo Use of Force Training Simulator in the amount of $79,735 (10/17/2023)

Ord. No. 2023-2557 to provide additional $9,500 appropriations for a Part-Time Principal Planner (10/3/2023)

Ord. No. 2023-2556 to provide additional $10,000 appropriations for consulting services in the Planning Department (10/3/2023)

Ord. No. 2023-2555 to provide carry forward appropriations from 2022 for a Planning Consultant in the amount of $9,500 (9/19/2023)

Ord. No. 2023-2554 to provide carry forward appropriations from 2022 for specifically identified projects in the amount of $84,287 (9/19/2023)

Ord. No. 2023-2552 to transfer an additional $275,000 to the Capital Improvement Fund for the purchase of WAN Equipment and Firewalls (8/1/2023)

Ord. No. 2023-2549 to provide carryforward appropriations from 2022 for specifically identified projects in the amount of $1,062,000 (7/18/2023) 

Ord. No. 2023-2548 to transfer $7,000 in expenditures from the Engineering Department Personal Services Salary and Benefits Accounts to the Clerks Personal Services Salary and Benefits Accounts (7/18/2023) 

Ord. No. 2023-2547 to provide carryforward appropriations from 2022 to 2023 of unused funds for the S. 50th Street and W. Minnesota Avenue Project in the amount of $61,102.25 (7/18/2023)

Ord. No. 2023-2540 to provide for unscheduled replacement of HVAC units at Fire Station No. 1 in the amount of $11,000 (6/27/2023)

Ord. 2023-2539 to provide for the purchase of wireless microphones and related equipment for the Common Council Chambers in the amount of $15,000 (6/27/2023)

Ord. 2023-2538 to transfer $30,380 in Expenditures from the Engineering Personal Services Salary and Benefits Accounts to the Planning Personal Services Salary and Benefits Accounts, to Return the Transferred Funds from Planning Services Accounts to Engineering Services Accounts (6/6/2023)

Ord. 2023-2537 to provide carry forward appropriations from 2022 for specifically identified projects in the amount of $1,400,895 (5/16/2023)

Ord. 2023-2535 to provide $2,348 to the 2023 Equipment Replacement Fund for the purpose of a vehicle in the Engineering Department (3/21/2023)

Ord. 2023-2534 to transfer $70,000 in expenditures from the Municipal Buildings Salaries-PT Accounts to the Municipal Buildings Other Professional Services Accounts and authorize certain officials to execute a contract amendment with Dust-Free Cleaning Service, Inc. Janitorial Services for the Franklin Public Library at $3,152 per month (3/7/2023)

Ord. 2023-2533 for the General Fund to provide carry forward appropriations from 2022 to 2023 for Election printing costs in the amount of $10,000 (3/7/2023)

Ord. 2023-2530 to transfer $43,500 of Unrestricted Contingency Funds to Fire Department Equipment Maintenance Fund (2/20/2023)

Ord. 2023-2531 to transfer $30,380 in Expenditures from the Engineering Personal Services Salary & Benefits Accounts to the Planning Personal Services Salary & Benefits Accounts (2/20/2023)

Ord. 2023-2528 to provide $1,022,930 of MMSD Funds for Private Property Inflow & Infiltration Projects (2/7/2023)

Ord. 2022-2520 to transfer $260,000 of Capital Improvement Funds to the Street Improvement Fund (10/18/2022)

Ord. 2022-2518 to increase Capital Improvement Fund by $377,651.26 for the Southwest Park Purchase and Appropriate Additional Impact Fees of $47,654.45, LWMMI Funds of $24,368, and TID #3 Remainder Funds of $305,628.81 (10/4/2022) 

Ord. 2022-2517 to transfer $3,000 of Unrestricted Contingency to the Parks Maintenance Budget and Appropriate $1,732 of Donations Received for a Bench (9/6/2022)

Ord. 2022-2516 to transfer $93,178 of Capital Outlay Funds to Equipment Replacement Fund (8/2/2022)

Ord. 2022-2515 to Transfer $8,000 of Information Services Capital Outlay Funds to Information Services General Fund (7/19/2022)

Ord. 2022-2514 For Police Department Grant Fund to Provide $80,581.50 of State ARPA Grant Funds for the Purchase of a Milo Use of Force Training Simulator (7/5/2022)

Ord. 2022-2510: To Transfer and Re-Appropriate 2021 Funds and Account for Final Carryforwards and Encumbrances (5/3/2022)

Ord. 2022-2507: Provide Carryforward Appropriations from 2021 to 2022 for Specifically Identified Projects in the Amount of $5,948,485 (4/4/2022)

Ord. 2022-2501: General Fund to Move $7,925 of Unrestricted Contingency Appropriations to Special Audit Appropriations

Ord. 2022-2493: Capital Outlay Fund to Provide $15,819.25 of Appropriation for Purchase of One Additional Lucas-3 Automatic Chest Compression Device (2/1/2022)

Ord. 2021-2490: General Fund to Appropriate $10,820 of Unused 2020 Funds Budgeted for the Senior Travel Program (12/21/2021)

Ord. 2021-2487: Capital Outlay Fund to Provide $23,450 of Appropriations for Five Thermal Imaging Cameras (12/7/2021)

Ord. 2021-2483: General Fund to Provide $8,000 of Appropriations for Economic Development Activities (10/19/2021)

Ord. 2021-2482: Capital Outlay Fund to Provide $7,190 of Appropriations for the Update of the Unified Development Ordinance Rewrite Project (10/5/2021)

Ord. 2021-2479: Donations Fund to Provide $18,000 of Appropriations for the Purchase of Common Council Furniture (9/7/2021)

Ord. 2021-2477: Provide Additional $10,000 of Appropriations for Tax Refunds on Assessment Challenges (8/17/2021) 

Ord. 2021-2476: Transfer $38,000 of Information Services Non-Personnel Costs to Personnel Costs (8/17/2021)

Ord. 2021-2474: $144,400 Additional Recreation Facilities Appropriations and Transfers of Related Park Impact Fees & $6,500 of Marquette Avenue Project Costs (7/20/2021)

Ord. 2021-2472: Provide $58,000 Appropriations for Additional Storage for a Police Video Recording System Using Savings on the NextGen 9-1-1 Project (7/20/2021)

Ord. 2021-2469: $50,000 Additional Appropriations for the W. Marquette Avenue Road Extension Project (7/6/2021)

Ord. 2021-2467: $25,000 Additional Appropriations for Replacement Street Lights (5/18/2021)

Finance & Treasury

9229 W. Loomis Road
Franklin, WI  53132

Finance Phone:  414-425-7500
Finance Fax:  414-425-6428
Hours: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Treasury Phone:  414-425-4770
Treasury Fax:  414-427-7519
Hours: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Danielle Brown,
Director of Finance & Treasurer

Rosanne Zimmerman,
Deputy Treasurer

Tom Bakalarski,
Accounting Supervisor


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